The 10 Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Embrace the great outdoors in Fargo’s parks

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Take a goofy pic with the Fargo Woodchipper

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Capture a memory by the Fargo Theatre

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Discover Fargo’s street art

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

See a Norwegian Stave Church

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Heading 2

Learn about baseball

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Visit our major art museums

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

 Go window shopping in Fargo’s downtown district

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Hunt for Bison the painted kind

Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND

Stroll the ‘Walk of Fame’

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Best Free Things To Do In Fargo, ND